Thursday, November 15, 2012

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts is my favorite place to go because its all about art! I love art. It's my favorite subject. My favorite part of the museum is the Faberge eggs (Russian eggs). But the Faberge eggs were not there so we went to see the 20th century art.

This is a wooden box that was painted by someone who copied it from a card board box.


     This is a sculpture that is made out of old rusty parts of something but it's a face. Cool.

this I really don't understand. It's a robe with a rope that is attached to the robe and the ax that is in a piece of wood.

  this is not an older piece of art but my next favorite  it's light blue and white swirls it's beautiful.

I know what each of the symbols mean. This one means spring.

This one is summer.

This one is fall.

And this one is winter.

I did not get to see all of the museum but this part was fun. one part that we did not see was Budha 
watching him self on TV. but I hope I get to go back soon.