Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cute American Girl Purse

Check it out! I made a purse for my doll.

Here is how I did it.

1. Get a cute coin purse.  I got mine at the grocery store for $2.00.
2. Use 2 glue dots.
3. 1 ft. of ribbon. (Put the glue dots on each end of the ribbon and then put the ribbon in the purse like you see in the picture).

There you have it!  It is the perfect size for an American Girl Doll.  You can store lots of her things in it.

This project took no time at all.  I found the idea in my Doll Play book from American Girl.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Trip to the American Girl Store

Here I am in front of the American girl store!!!

The American Girl store that I went to was the one in Tyson Corner in Washington DC. It was big. I looked around everywhere. There were 2 floors. The first floor was the history dolls. The second floor was down the escalators and it had the bitty babies, bitty twins and the you and me dolls. It was so cool! Here are some pictures of me on the second floor!

Down we go!

 I'm messing with a piano that actually makes music! 

 looking at the you and me dolls. I like their new outfit!

I decided to make a t-shirt! 

This is the girl of the year McKenna! I got her there!

Here we are checking out!!!

 We both got our bags! ha ha ha!!!


Josefina was my second American Girl Doll.  I got her when I was 8 years old.  I only have the doll and her accessories.

In the book Josefina learns that she can be very helpful even though she is the youngest.  One time Josefina was going to the pond to do the laundry and she found a little goat that ate the flower off of her hair. She decided to keep the goat and name it Sombrita (little shadow).
I love her because she is from a country that is now one of our states, New Mexico. I also love her because she speaks Spanish and that sometimes she is very quiet, like me. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

My Very First American Girl Doll

This is Elizabeth.  She was my very first American Girl Doll I got, when I was 7 years old.  I got her from my grandma at Christmas.  She is Felicity's best friend, but I don't have Felicity.

On the right side sitting on the floor is Elizabeth's riding outfit.  It is a pretty pink color jacket and a white skirt. It came with a hat also.  The dress that she is holding is her summer dress. The green dress on the floor to the left is her springtime dress. The blue one is Felicity's tea dress.  All came with hats and shoes.

Elizabeth and Felicity are girls from the American colonial times and live in Williamsburg, VA.  In their stories  Elizabeth is funny and the girls always get into trouble.  One time Felicity got in trouble because she freed a horse from its owner who was being mean to the horse. The horse's name was Penny. In the end Felicity grandfather bought the horse so that Felicity could have her to herself.