Thursday, October 11, 2012


This is Kanani my sixth American girl doll. I got her when I was 11 for my birthday.

As you can see she has a few outfit's. The one she is holding is is her party dress the one with the slippers is obviously her pj's, the one with the word ALOHA a white shirt is her casual outfit, the one in front of the paddle board is her bathing suit with a head band and a life jacket, the one on the other side of her is her luau outfit, luau means party picnic or cook out. That's it for the outfit's, now for the other things the paddle board comes with the paddle board of course and the paddle, if you can see Barskee Kanani's dog  the came with the accessories the accessories include the dog the towel the bag and the stuff in front of the bag, I got the monk seal by its self , the thing in front of the monk seal sticking up is the DAILY BREEZE the news paper, that came with the box that the paper is in and the ukulele and the snacks that are in front of it.

In the books Kannani's cousin, Rachel, comes to visit because her mom just got married and Rachael had to go to stay with Kanani and Kanani taught Rachel a lot of things like how to paddle board. Kanani's parents own a shave ice store and when Rachel was getting ready to go back to New York Kanani's parents made a new flavor "Rachel's Big Apple". They were  awesome books. I really enjoyed them. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My you and me doll

I have two you and me dolls because my sister does not like them any more. My You and Me is the one with the brown hair, oh one thing I don't have glasses I just thought it would look cute. I got my you and me doll when I was 10 for my birthday.

As you can see I have a lot of outfits for them. I have 2 dogs, Pepper and Honey, I have 1 horse i named it Trooper because I do horse back riding and my favorite horse is Trooper even though it looks more like Jasmine my second favorite horse. On the horses rains is the riding outfit, next to the riding outfit is the crutches and the cast, next to that is 2 pair of shoes and an outfit,in front of pepper is a magazine for my dolls, in front of my american girl doll is the western riding outfit, my american girl doll is holding a suit case, in front of Honey is a blue jumper in front of that is a pink dress that is not american girl doll but its cute and fits, next to it with the bunny slippers is her pj's, next to the pj's is another outfit that is not an american girl outfit, and the last one probably my favorite above the pj's is the photographer outfit. I love them all.  


This is Rebecca was my Third American Girl doll. I got her for Christmas when I was 9 years old. 

Rebecca only has 2 outfits . I kind of lost her welcome outfit so she is wearing her school outfit. She is holding her winter coat and on the floor is her accessories. That's it of her outfits.

Rebecca lives in New York. She has four siblings, 2 twin sisters who are the oldest, she has a brother who is the second oldest, and she has a little sister. She is Jewish so she does not celebrate Easter. She speaks Yiddish and English. Every Friday her family comes together for a Sabbath dinner . She is too young to light the Sabbath candles. Her favorite book is Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. I think a very nice moment in her books is when she help's her cousin Ana adjust to her new life in  America. I really enjoy her.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

My First Homeschool Field Trip

Here we are in front of the sign of the Midlothian Coal Mines. This is by

far my favorite field trip ever for homeschooling. We learned 
a lot of things like that they used mules in the mines. They keep the mules down in the mines for their whole life so the mules went blind, but they took very good care of the mules, they were fed properly, they got good medical care too. 
Here are some pictures of the mines but we didn't go in them:

Here we are in front of the sign of the Midlothian mines.

This is the Mine that was there .

My brother found a big piece of coal. 

This is a piece of coal that some one found with a fossil print in it. cool.

Monday, October 1, 2012

My Second Home Schooled field trip

I'm Home-schooled and I went on a field trip to Magnolia Grange Plantation. It was okay. Here are some pictures of the kids room. The kids had to sleep 3-4 in 1 bed! There were 8 kids!!!

The kids would play at this table.

Here are some dolls that the girls played with.

this is the bed that the kids would sleep.

This is one field trip that I would not want to go back to because old houses kind of freak me out. My favorite part was playing the games because I got to play and make new friends. Out side there was an old well it was fancy. We got to smell some good smelling herbs.


Samantha was my third American Girl Doll. I got her when I was 9 years old for my birthday.

She has a few outfits. The one sitting up on the right is her winter coat, It came with a hat. the one she is holding might be her school outfit, I'm not sure. If you can see a red corner of a dress, that's her holiday dress. The one in front is her night gown and robe. She also has a doll.

In the books , Grandmarry , Samantha's very strict grandma, wants Samantha to be a very perfect lady, but Samantha does not want to be a very perfect lady. One day she meets this little girl her age named Nellie O'Miley who works for a little boys family. Nellie has 2 sisters Bridget and Jenny. Samantha and Nellie become best friends. When Samantha decides to go stay with her uncle Guard Nellie's father dies and the girls go to an orphanage near were Uncle Guard lives. Samantha helps the girls escape and hid them in the attic of Uncle Guard's house. When Uncle Guard found out he was mad, but the girls stayed and near Christmas Uncle Guard tells Samantha that Nellie, Bridget, and Jenny are Samantha's new sisters!!!