Tuesday, October 9, 2012


This is Rebecca was my Third American Girl doll. I got her for Christmas when I was 9 years old. 

Rebecca only has 2 outfits . I kind of lost her welcome outfit so she is wearing her school outfit. She is holding her winter coat and on the floor is her accessories. That's it of her outfits.

Rebecca lives in New York. She has four siblings, 2 twin sisters who are the oldest, she has a brother who is the second oldest, and she has a little sister. She is Jewish so she does not celebrate Easter. She speaks Yiddish and English. Every Friday her family comes together for a Sabbath dinner . She is too young to light the Sabbath candles. Her favorite book is Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. I think a very nice moment in her books is when she help's her cousin Ana adjust to her new life in  America. I really enjoy her.  

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