Monday, October 1, 2012


Samantha was my third American Girl Doll. I got her when I was 9 years old for my birthday.

She has a few outfits. The one sitting up on the right is her winter coat, It came with a hat. the one she is holding might be her school outfit, I'm not sure. If you can see a red corner of a dress, that's her holiday dress. The one in front is her night gown and robe. She also has a doll.

In the books , Grandmarry , Samantha's very strict grandma, wants Samantha to be a very perfect lady, but Samantha does not want to be a very perfect lady. One day she meets this little girl her age named Nellie O'Miley who works for a little boys family. Nellie has 2 sisters Bridget and Jenny. Samantha and Nellie become best friends. When Samantha decides to go stay with her uncle Guard Nellie's father dies and the girls go to an orphanage near were Uncle Guard lives. Samantha helps the girls escape and hid them in the attic of Uncle Guard's house. When Uncle Guard found out he was mad, but the girls stayed and near Christmas Uncle Guard tells Samantha that Nellie, Bridget, and Jenny are Samantha's new sisters!!!

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