Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My you and me doll

I have two you and me dolls because my sister does not like them any more. My You and Me is the one with the brown hair, oh one thing I don't have glasses I just thought it would look cute. I got my you and me doll when I was 10 for my birthday.

As you can see I have a lot of outfits for them. I have 2 dogs, Pepper and Honey, I have 1 horse i named it Trooper because I do horse back riding and my favorite horse is Trooper even though it looks more like Jasmine my second favorite horse. On the horses rains is the riding outfit, next to the riding outfit is the crutches and the cast, next to that is 2 pair of shoes and an outfit,in front of pepper is a magazine for my dolls, in front of my american girl doll is the western riding outfit, my american girl doll is holding a suit case, in front of Honey is a blue jumper in front of that is a pink dress that is not american girl doll but its cute and fits, next to it with the bunny slippers is her pj's, next to the pj's is another outfit that is not an american girl outfit, and the last one probably my favorite above the pj's is the photographer outfit. I love them all.  

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy writing posts for you guys. I hope you leave comments. :)
